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One of the fields we have developed extensively is one with tools and services for accessibility, in order to overcome all – physical, communicative, cognitive, relational and symbolic barriers. Therefore, disabled people can enjoy the sites and take part in all the activities without difficulty.
Special vans, wheelchairs and assistans are provided upon request in advance. Furthermore, vans are designed with wide aisles and comfortable seats.
Technological applications for accessibility are available for disabled persons.
Personalized Assistance to the disabled people is provided when requested.
Great attitudes with smiling faces
No one complained about helping
Fuimos un grupo de tres personas y uno era discapacitado la verdad se veía que todo era muy facil para los de la agencia saben muy bien como tratar a sus visitantes
I came to Turkey on a cruise but just before I started my Ephesus tour I strained my leg. Anyhow during this trip I was given extra care and attention. They made it really easy for me. Thanks again to my guide!
Great time in Ephesus. Well prepared guides. Well spoken English. Great staff. Overall amazing time
Combined two families for a private tour. Three spoiled kids as well. Especially our driver was extremely understanding of the noise he is gone through the whole drive from izmir to Ephesus
Throughout the whole tour I questioned if I were really in a trip or in a special care. Great tour, amazing assisting!!
I was really Impressed to see these guys offer adjustable wheelchairs. This was a great experiment for me.
Something new for those who had not seen the theather before. When I was there I found that the new road for wheelchairers was made for them too see the theather..ggreat thought….
My mother and I took the private tour together. Although we wanted to do a regular full day tour, because she has hearing problems we thought doing a private one on one better.
My husband had a back surgery last month. He recovered well but now needs to walk with a cane few more weeks. During the tour I couldn’t believe the assisting he received. Amazing!