Ephesus Tours

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The big tip is to try and go completely private. Many of the large tour companies offer private tour and they are going to charge a significant amount of money for the tour guide. However, many locations offer self-guided tours and therefore you have the ability to supply your own tour guide. Easily Book your guided private Ephesus tours, to see all the treasures of Ephesus Turkey. It's often said that Turkey has more ancient cities and classical ruins than does Greece. Well, it's true, and the Aegean coast holds a great number of sites, including Ephesus, the grandest and best-preserved of them all.
Je n’ai jamais vu de site gréco-romain aussi bien conservé… C’est incroyable, on s’imagine parfaitement la ville telle qu’elle était à l’époque d’Auguste. La bibliothèque est une merveille, et l’amphitéâtre est époustouflant – il s’agit du plus grand au monde. Prenez un chapeau + crème solaire, car il y a peu de zones d’ombre!
la ciudad de kuşadası es un lugar con modernidad e historico fue todo maravilloso ademas que cuando llegamos con el frusero nos recibieron muy bien luego nos llevaron a efeso y luego a la casa de la virgen maria no pudimos pasear mucho ya que el barco era solo de medio dia en la isla de kusadasi todo excelente
伊弗所太壮观了! 原来现代的所谓三温暖,早在2千年前就有了。大剧场的设计让人佩服,由图书馆的当时的藏书和内外装饰,可以想象当时的人的文化水平之高!各位如果到土耳其来,务必一游伊弗所。