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Private Day Tours, 100% based on 2901 ratings Home → Private Day Tours
The big tip is to try and go completely private. Many of the large tour companies offer private tour and they are going to charge a significant amount of money for the tour guide. However, many locations offer self-guided tours and therefore you have the ability to supply your own tour guide. Easily Book your guided private Ephesus tours, to see all the treasures of Ephesus Turkey. It's often said that Turkey has more ancient cities and classical ruins than does Greece. Well, it's true, and the Aegean coast holds a great number of sites, including Ephesus, the grandest and best-preserved of them all.
We would not have enjoyed Turkey as much as we did if we had not taken this tour. The tour picked us up at the cruise terminal. We knew the sites we were going visit but our tour guide suggested the order to visit that would suit us best.
We just wanted to let you know we had a wonderful time… It was a pleasure dealing with you and again, thank you so much for an amazing tour.
Terrific tour, you will enjoy Epheus-Turkey so much more if you go on this tour.
We had a great time and wouldn’t hesitate in recommending this tour.
Nous avons eu la chance de visiter cet endroit avec un guide passionné et qui a su tenir en haleine petits et grands avec anecdotes et faits historiques.
Le lieu est superbe, et même si bondé, notre plaisir n’en a pas été gâché. Nous avons été fascinés par la beauté et la magie du lieu. La visite se fait dans le sens de la descente et l’apothéose en est la bibliothèque de Celsius admirablement bien conservée. L’amphithéâtre qui pouvait accueillir jusqu’à 24 000 personnes est à couper le souffle également. Le plus rapidement possible nous en ephèse de nouveau très beau le tour privé et les guides les je recommande sont très bons dans son travail
Ephesus tours was fantastic. they picked us up at the ship and we began a day of absolute perfection. we had toured Ephesus before on a prior cruise and used the tour from the cruise line. This time around wanted a more personal feel to our tour. There were specific places we wanted to visit and places we wanted to go back too.
I would go back and do the same tour all over again. the amount of history, customs and real life experiences we recieved made it a very special day.
It is really worth seeing. Restroom facilities at the entry are limited and very crowded. There are also restrooms near the exit and they are not crowded.
Thank you Yesim for an incredible time. Your knowledge is most impressive. For anyone who reads this and is planning a trip to Turkey, you can not go wrong with using this company. We were never rushed or pressured into buying anything and even got to see a fashion show. This is something I never thought I would enjoy but it was pretty cool. When going to Ephesus do not miss out on the Terrace Houses they are most impressive and unbelievable. They are the homes of the very rich of the day with indoor hot and cold water, heated homes, indoor bathrooms and even a sauna with heated floors. The rug making tour was very cool, the lunch was awsome and got back to the ship with plenty of time to spare. Thanks
We did not find the visit an intrusion, but rather an experience that we all enjoyed, and it was not very long. We had booked a deluxe half day tour, but we were all tired, but felt that the day had been well worth it, Ephesus was fantastic,
La capital de Jonia…La ciudad de Artemisa…la segunda ciudad mas importante del imperio romano…El mayor museo el aire libre del mundo…
A lo mejor me fui mil veces a Efeso, cada vez tengo la misma emocion , la misma preocupacion de explicar muy bien la ciudad de Efeso. Porque hay que explicar todo , sin olvidarse de ningun detalle de la ciudad…porque es una ”JOYA” , es un regalo de los romanos y otras civilizaciones a Turquia.Teniendo esta importancia historica hay que explicarla con todos sus detalles.
Es una ciudad greco-romana, una de las siete maravillas del mundo se encuentra aqui.Tiene templos dedicados a Domiciano y a Hadriano, fuentes monumentales, calles de marmol blanco, con capiteles jonicos , coritios y compuestos…Despues de caminar bastante y ver muchos monumentos por el camino al final llegan a ”La Biblioteca de Celso ” se quedan sorprendidos , por que justo en frente ustedes tienen la tercera biblioteca nas grande del mundo….ES la obra MAESTRA de Efeso…
Al final llegan al Gran Teatro de Efeso ,aqui no sirven las palabras y frases , hay que verlo, un teatro con una capacidad de 24.000 espectadores…
Este es Efeso, las palabras no sirven para explicar este viaje en ”la historia”… la magia de esta antigua ciudad hay que vivirla en persona se los recomiendo es maravilloso