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VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
Private Day Tours, 100% based on 2901 ratings
I would highly recommend
Done a half day trip to ephesus, it really is amazing, and steeped in history. They are still uncovering ruins to this day. It gives you a real insight into time gone by.
We had a terrific day our tour was flawlessly performed from start to finish.
In the grand bazaar, you can find many things. And out of this many things, 99% of the stuff are stuff that you will not use in your life. These are usually overpriced in the grand bazaar and you will need to have lots of patience to look around to compare prices and negotiate.
The Blue Mosque really blew us away!! The colorful painted walls and ceiling will take your breath away.
Topkapi Palace is a just one of the highlights of amazing Istanbul. The Treasury is a must for anyone who has seen "Topkapi", but the real highlight is the palace itself; stunning rooms, magnificent architecture, and terrific views of the Bosphorus.
The tour of the ruins was quite spectacular and extensive, with a re-enactment of the gladiators at the end of the tour. The ruins were up-close, not roped off, and you could actually touch them! I was especially enamored with the library ruins.
En el momento en que llegamos a Éfeso, habíamos visitado algunas ruinas magníficas por Turquía. Pero habíamos visto nada en la escala de Éfeso. Uno puede imaginarse la vitalidad de la ciudad, la gente realizando sus actividades cotidianas, los niños jugando en las calles.
Esta ciudad era tan vistoso: las esculturas, fuentes, estatuas. La biblioteca es el punto culminante, dominando las ruinas. Por desgracia, el teatro estaba rodeado de alambre, que tardó lejos de la historia. Las letrinas fueron una vista para contemplar.
Caminamos por estas ruinas durante unas horas, y nos alegramos de no haber estado en un grupo grande , ya que parecían ir y venir sin mayor detalle como te lo da el tour privado que contratamos nosotros
We booked a private tour in advance, much the best way if you wish to appreciate the splendour of Dolmabahce. Architecturally it is nothing special, but the interiors are stunning. This palace is what other palaces could have been if they had not been stifled by the dead hand of good taste.
Sin nada que decir les dejo mia rexomendacionea de capadocia y el tour privado aprovechenloooo hracias a todos