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VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
Private Day Tours, 100% based on 2901 ratings Home → Private Day Tours
The big tip is to try and go completely private. Many of the large tour companies offer private tour and they are going to charge a significant amount of money for the tour guide. However, many locations offer self-guided tours and therefore you have the ability to supply your own tour guide. Easily Book your guided private Ephesus tours, to see all the treasures of Ephesus Turkey. It's often said that Turkey has more ancient cities and classical ruins than does Greece. Well, it's true, and the Aegean coast holds a great number of sites, including Ephesus, the grandest and best-preserved of them all.
Driver was very friendly and knowledgable
Atraves de esta pagina quiero agradeser a todas las personas que hicieron este tour posible desde el chofer guia agencia y todos fue todo muy bien organizado la verdad no encuntro alguna cosa mala han pasado casi 2 meses de que volvimos del tour con mi familia y no hay dia en que no recordemos algo de ese maravilloso momento nos acordamos de nuestro guia que era muy conocedo y profesional en el tema ademas de eso era muy divertido ya saben que un guia puede ser muy bueno pero si no es divwertido el tour no pasa… Este era genial… Despues de nuestro dia completo que pasamos en efeso y la casa de la virgen maria en turquia nos devolvimos a nuestro crusero comenzaron las bromas con mi familia diciendo: Quedemos nos a trabajar y a vivir aca en efeso 🙂 fue una maravillosa experiencia… despues de llegar a nuestro pais comense a buscar atravez de internet cocina turca aver si podia hacer lo mismo o algo similar a lo que comimos alli, es tanto lo que recordamos nuestro tour que tenemos un pequeno rincon en nuestra casa con recuerdos de efeso y la casa de la virgen maria e incluso aun tenemos los boletos de entrada a los museos 🙂 Aca en mi pais son las 01:28 AM y estoy organizando otro tour para mi y mi familia tengo planeado realizarlo a mediados de septiembre y lo mejor de todo essss que sera una sorpresa para mi familia manana la dare al desayuno 🙂 espero que ustedes tambien visiten el lugar se los recomiendo de todo corazon….
Basilica Cistern an absolute fascinating underground structure. It is a great site to walk though and think about how long ago it was constructed. It was also used as a scene for a James Bond movie.
Great day trip with Burcu, a fun and informative Guide. I would have liked more time in ephesus. I will skip the temple of artemis next time.
Don’t go without a guide. Very good value!
Hagia Sophia is very important for us Ortodox because it has been the biggest Ortodox church for 1000 years, and later in Ottoman period a great mosque, and now museum with elements of both religion.
Those with air sick, please prepare yourself before going on this Microlight tour !
This tour was less than the cruise tour. we had a fab..time. thx
After doing a tour of Turkey and seeing the palaces and mosques we decided that a must do was the Basilica Cistern.. wanted to see how water was stored and to expereince an underground world. It is close to the otehr major sites, mosques and easy to locate.
On entry you find yourself in anotehr world!
For me and my husband it is very important to discover a city. To enjoy it in the best way, in Istanbul we choose a full day tour.
I have never had a better tour guide than Selcuk Senkan. He was professional, funny, knowledgeable.