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VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
Private Day Tours, 100% based on 2901 ratings Home → Private Day Tours
The big tip is to try and go completely private. Many of the large tour companies offer private tour and they are going to charge a significant amount of money for the tour guide. However, many locations offer self-guided tours and therefore you have the ability to supply your own tour guide. Easily Book your guided private Ephesus tours, to see all the treasures of Ephesus Turkey. It's often said that Turkey has more ancient cities and classical ruins than does Greece. Well, it's true, and the Aegean coast holds a great number of sites, including Ephesus, the grandest and best-preserved of them all.
Thank you very much – we had a great time!
On the whole Ephesus is a fantastic place to visit but my tour was disappointing due to a rushed timeline and missing attraction.
La antigua iglesia de santa sofia aun sigue eb pie pero como mezquita pero aun dentro eata intacta…
Excellent way to see the city without being in a big crowd, you call the shots on what you see and how long you stay. Great way to get your bearings around the ephesus city and the guide was very informative. Very comfortable air conditioned vehicle.
Our guide sat and chatted with us the entire way to Ephesus about Turkish history, lifestyle, and some chitchat. At Ephesus she gave as a solid, amazing tour.
The tour was very reasonably priced compared to those offered by our cruise ship. We really appreciated the personal touch only afforded by a small group tour. I would strongly suggest that anyone traveling to Istanbul. You won’t be disappointed.
Fuimos en diciembre que supuestamente es uno de los meses de temporada baja debido al clima frío, y era bastante bloody frío con luz llovizna, pero porque estaba justo después de Navidad, el lugar estaba bastante lleno. No me puedo imaginar lo que es durante la temporada alta. Pero si tienes paciencia suficiente, es posible que puedes conseguir fotos de un lugar quieres simplemente por ti mismo.Si tienes paciencia, puede tomar un gran cuadro o dos de la hermosa Celsus Biblioteca dentro de esta antigua ciudad gratis, o casi gratis, de otros viajeros o turistas, pero tienes que ser paciente. Quizás esto es imposible durante la temporada de verano jaja …
Tras la Celsus Biblioteca, podrá caminar a lo largo de la calle de mármol y encontrará algún tipo de construcción/sitio de extracción a la derecha. parece prohibido entrar, obviamente, por razones de seguridad, pero he visto un par de turistas entrar a escondidas y tomar el camino bastante empinada esta estructura prohibida y estoy seguro la vista desde allí es bastante increíble. Si intenta valiente, que no oír desde aquí …
Fui con mis parientes aquí y, como algunos de ellos no son muy aficionados a la historia y están más interesados en los espectaculares paisajes naturales, Éfeso es algo interesante, pero no está tan bien como otras atracciones en Turquía para ellos. la verdad vale a cien porciento todo centavo pagado
There were 6 adults in our group. They picked us up at port they will bringing the wheelchair with. Very comfortable air conditioned vehicle. We had our own personal tour of Ephesus then a wonderful lunch. The site is difficult for wheelchairs due to the uneven marble road.
highly recommend..
Having Taylan as our guide in Istanbul was the best decision. He is not only knowledgeable and experienced, but his friendly and warm manner made our visit most enjoyable. We laughed and learned, and it was more like having a friend then a guide. Taylan, I will most definitely look you up on my next visit to Istanbul! Thank you!