Ephesus Tours

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The big tip is to try and go completely private. Many of the large tour companies offer private tour and they are going to charge a significant amount of money for the tour guide. However, many locations offer self-guided tours and therefore you have the ability to supply your own tour guide. Easily Book your guided private Ephesus tours, to see all the treasures of Ephesus Turkey. It's often said that Turkey has more ancient cities and classical ruins than does Greece. Well, it's true, and the Aegean coast holds a great number of sites, including Ephesus, the grandest and best-preserved of them all.
a wonderful guide and a driver
would strongly recommend
It is really worth seeing. Restroom facilities at the entry are limited and very crowded. There are also restrooms near the exit and they are not crowded.
Highly recommend for his expertise and a positive can do attitude. The shops are generally too small to allow a wheelchair inside, but some goods are displayed outside.
It was a wonderful way to start our trip. We recommended it to everyone we saw and would recommend it to our friends.
Simplemente fantastico la verdad wl tour privado y capadocia fueron sin igual recomendado de todo corazon
Mi familia y yo tomamos un tour privado somo 4 personas fuimos a capadocia lo mas lindo de turquia sengun yo 😉 nos ayudaron mucho en la agencia todo sin ningun problema
Capadocia fue una experiencia inolvidable la verdad que quedamos muy satisfechos con el tour privado que nos vendieron
St. Catherine chapel is situated among the monasteries of Karanlı and of Çarıklı Kilise on the eastern side of the circle of monasteries in Göreme Park. The church includes an image of Saint Catherine with a female donor near the sanctuary, and for this reason it is traditionally associated with Saint Catherine. The donor is named Anna.
The entrance of the church is comprised of a domed cruciform narthex in which previous users have carved burials into the floor. The narthex includes nine floor graves and two arcosolia (burial niches). It is followed by a larger naos of the same shape with a dome and a single apse. The dome rises above a drum of blind niches and rudimentary pilasters. The apse has an elevated templon screen. The central entry of the apse is arched. The screen also includes small lateral arched openings and an open lunette above. An eroded altar was connected to the wall in the apse. The apse includes two carved niches, one to the right of the entry (to the southeast), the other in the apsidal wall (to the north edge).