Turkey, wedged between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean with the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers flowing through it to Iraq, as often mentioned in the Bible, is a Cradle of Civilization and an important center of trade.
The land now called Turkey played a major role in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. The birthplace of the Christian Church may be Jerusalem, but Turkey is where the Church first thrived. Three great Apostles, Paul, Peter and John, are all linked with churches in Minor Asia (today’s Turkey). Approximately two-thirds of the 27 books in the New Testament were written to or from churches in Turkey.
With our accumulated experience in organizing a variety of tours, we have perfected our Biblical Tours in Turkey in terms of itinerary planning and the choices of accommodation and transportation to put your interests and preferences as our top priority.
Our Biblical Tours, with various itineraries including Tours of Severn Churches of Revelation and many others for you to choose from, offer you a trip of a lifetime. If you wish, we can customize an existing tour itinerary to meet your specific needs; we can also create a new one just for you based on your requirements such as your budget and length of the stay.
All you need to do to make your dream trip come true is to send us a request providing with the information about your arrival place (the start of the tour is flexible depending on the city of your arrival), number of the participants (groups as well as for individuals), places you would like to visit, the preferred tour language (all our tour guides, in different languages, are knowledgeable in Christian religion and are approved by the Ministry of Culture ) and we will arrange everything.
Trust us and enjoy your Biblical Tours with all historical, cultural and archaeological treasures of Turkey!

El tour biblico es genial ya que se pueden los lugares mas historicos y ademas que salen en la biblia se los recomiendo de todo corazon
Viajamos atraves de un crusero y nos ofrecieron un tour llamado tour biblico es una maravilla recomendado al cien
Es una maravilla las iglesias de la biblia sno existe frase alguna para describias el tour biblico es maravilloso
El tour biblico es perfecto para la gente que gusta de la religion
Cappadocia is incredible place to explore. The houses and churches carved out of rock are facinating. There were even coffins, 1 with a skeleton in it. This attraction was part of our booked tour and it was neat to see the insides of all the openings we saw cut into the rocks in the area.
El tour biblico es realmente maravilloso todo lo que soñe genial
El tour privado y ademas biblico osea con todas las partes religiosas que uno puede ver me encanto la casa de la virgen maria y las iglesias antiguas
Es realmente una oportunidad que no hay que dejar pasar el tour privado es una maravilla
Tour privado biblico es un tour que pueder ver las 7 iglesias sagradas de la bjblia yo creo que si se viene solo uno nos es posible verlo por eso se los recomiendo al 100
A mi lo que mas me gustk del tour biblico es que ademas de ser privado puedes tomar algunos tours adicionales como la visita de las sinagogas antiguas que hay en turquia no se pierdan esta oportunidad es lo mejor 🙂