Gulludere small vineyards are surrounded by steeply eroded walls of tuff. The tuff was deposited in the form of ash by nearby volcanos between 11 and 3 million years ago.
The trails that loop around Gulludere Valley ( Rose Valley ) are easily accessible to all levels of walkers and provide some of the finest fairy-chimney-strewn vistas in Cappadocia. As well as this though, they also hide fabulous, little-visited, rock-cut churches boasting vibrant fresco fragments and intricate carvings hewn into the stone.
With its tufa hills creased into folds, surrounded by vineyards and orchards, and fairy chimneys of all sizes standing like stone minarets in an extraordinary natural landscape, the Gullu Dere Valley is a remarkable sight. The valley is dotted with hidden chapels decorated with beautiful frescoes, such as the 7C Church of Three Crosses, which houses a Christ Pantocrator flanked by angels, and the 8C-9C Church of St John, adorned with a portrayal of the Apocalypse.
Follow the signs from the Gulludere Valley trailhead to the Kolonlu Kilise (Columned Church). The rock facade here is easily overlooked. Take the trail through the orchard and the steps that lead off to the left to clamber onto the nondescript rock face. Once you’ve scrambled through the entrance and the lower chamber you’ll find a white stone nave studded with sturdy columns carved out of the rock. From here, backtrack through the orchard and follow the main trail to the Haçlı Kilise, where the shady cave-cafe at the entrance is the perfect pit stop for a walking break. The church, accessed by a rickety wooden staircase, has frescoes dating to the 9th century on its apse and a large cross carved into its ceiling. Head north from here and take the right-hand path to reach the Üç Haçlı Kilise, with its stunning ceiling relief and damaged frescoes featuring an enthroned Jesus.
One of the nicest and most most beautiful places to go walking in Cappadocia in Gulludere Valley . Start at Sunset point (near Ortahisar) and hike down through first Red Valley and then continue on the Gulludere Valley.
From the end of Gulludere Valley you can either walk to the nearby Cavusin Village. There you can visit the old part of the village which is crumbling away and too dangerous to still be inhabited because of the chance of falling rocks. Or you can continue on the Goreme (around another 45 minutes walk).
Gulludere Valley,
Rose Valley is easy to access from Goreme and provides an opportunity to walk through a truly spectacular area. The only drawback is the occasional convoy of noisy and smelly ATV's that come through.
Guidebooks understate the beauty of this walk- it is superb and very photogenic in the late afternoon light.
you can see the overview from the hotel i stayed and it was just beautiful. It looked as if huge amount of roses are blooming or colouring the valley.
as stated many times, you must explore this magical area, the paths are easy to follow, but we went with a guide who took us all over different areas as some valleys went up some steep hills I would of given up if I didn't have someone to encourge me to keep going.
Great place for people who are up for lot of hiking, climbing and exploring during your holiday. Not recommended for people who want relaxing holidays. Make sure you pack your hiking boots and rugsack. Great place to have adventures and explore undiscovered places within the rocks, hills and caves.
It was just amazing to start our tour in Capadocia with this 5 km. walk. of the Rose Valley.
We found all kind of fruits on our walk and we had a great tour guide who was telling us about the incredible history of this beautiful place in the world.
GUIDE. I really recommend: Gulsen Cavdar, tel. 90 537 544…
Caravanserai cave hotel arranged a hiking guide for us, it is very exciting experience, should try. But ensure you have enough training.
I have seen it from distance but also got real close. Countless photos, breathtaking view! If you understand a little about Geology you can travel back in time and picture volcanic eruptions blowing out massive pyroclastic flows, covered with magma and the resulting vulcanic rock. Different rates of erosion and weathering, by wind, water and temperature, have transformed the place…
Lovely hike with lots of caves to venture into and some great churches. You end up in a little village with a great "castle"
Views were magnificent. A must do and see. Allow yourself the opportunity to explore and experience this wonderful location.